Category Archives: Client Advisories

British Virgin Islands: Market Update and Key Trends

27 Apr 2015

With almost 500,000 active British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) business companies in existence, and over 10,000 new incorporations per quarter, the BVI is universally recognised as one of the world’s leading offshore jurisdictions.

The purpose of this client briefing is to provide a market update and high level overview of recent trends in the BVI.

Campbells advises on all aspects of BVI and Cayman Islands law and has further expanded its BVI litigation, corporate and investment funds departments in recent months.


FATCA Update/Reminder

13 Apr 2015

The Cayman Islands Government has opened its online Automatic Exchange of Information Portal for registration and reporting under FATCA. The deadline for notification in advance of reporting is less than three weeks away.


Dyxnet Decision: Cayman Islands’ Court of Appeal Clarifies the Availability of Security for Costs in Winding Up Proceedings

02 Mar 2015

In a recent decision of importance in the context of winding up petitions and proof of debt appeals, the Court of Appeal has clarified that the Cayman court may order that an impecunious corporate petitioner or appellant provide security for the respondent’s defence costs, irrespective of whether the petitioner/appellant is a foreign or a Cayman company.


Weavering Overturned: Lessons for Directors, Litigators and Liquidators

19 Feb 2015

The Cayman Islands’ Court of Appeal has overturned the first instance Weavering decision, which had held a hedge fund’s former non-executive directors liable for $111m on the basis they had acted with “wilful neglect and default” in failing to spot that the fund’s main “assets” were fictitious swap agreements purportedly worth $637 million, but which in fact were made with a related counterparty which had no assets to satisfy its liabilities under those agreements.


Privy Council Decisions in Singlaris and SAAD Clarify the Ability of Officeholders to Obtain the Assistance of Foreign Courts and the Rights of a “Stranger” to a Liquidation to Challenge the Winding up Order

12 Nov 2014

Brian Child, Guy Manning and Ross McDonough summarise the recent decisions of the Privy Council in the Saad and Singularis cases and propose practical solutions to the issues currently existing for liquidators seeking information in relation to companies in liquidation in the Cayman Islands.


How will FATCA Affect Cayman Islands Investment Fund Vehicles?

26 Sep 2014

FATCA is a USA and UK tax initiative with significant obligations imposed on Cayman Islands funds. All Cayman Islands funds will need to consider whether such are required to register under FATCA and undergo regular reporting. The following briefing paper provides a wide overview and guidance on registration and on-going reporting requirements.


The Directors Registration and Licensing Law

09 Jun 2014

The Cayman Islands Government announced, on 21 March 2014, its intention to introduce a regime for the registration and licensing of directors appointed to the boards of the following types of entities, known as “Covered Entities”: mutual funds regulated under the Mutual Funds Law (Revised) (“Regulated Mutual Funds”); and companies to which paragraphs 1 and 4 of Schedule 4 of the Securities and Investments Business Law (Revised) apply (“Excluded Persons”), usually entities providing investment management or investment advisory services.

The Law was brought into force on 4 June 2014 along with the Directors Registration and Licensing (Registration and Licensing) Regulations, 2014 and is now in full force and effect in the Cayman Islands. This Law denotes the first time that directors of Regulated Mutual Funds and Excluded Persons have been regulated directly in the Cayman Islands and it gives to the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority the power to approve or deny a registration or a licence.


Schemes of Arrangement under Cayman Law

02 May 2014

This briefing paper explains schemes of arrangement under Cayman Islands law. Under sections 86 and 87 of the Companies Law (2013 Revision) the Grand Court may sanction a compromise or arrangement between a company and its creditors or members or any class of them.
