Category Archives: Client Advisories

Herald –v– Primeo: How can Cayman Islands liquidators restate a fund’s fraudulently misstated NAV?

22 Sep 2016

In the latest installment of the Herald v Primeo litigation, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands has ruled upon how liquidators should exercise their statutory powers to restate the historic NAVs of a fund where those NAVs have been misstated due to fraud; in this case, the Madoff Ponzi scheme. Our client briefing explains the Court’s decision, its impact on the scope of liquidators’ powers, and the implications for investors.


Confidential Information Preservation v Disclosure – Any Real Change?

04 Aug 2016

On 15 July 2016 the Governor of the Cayman Islands assented to the repeal of the longstanding Confidential Relationships (Preservation) Law (the “CRPL”). In this client briefing we highlight the key distinctions between the now repealed CRPL and the newly enacted Confidential Information Disclosure Law, 2016 (the “CIDL”), which are: it is no longer a criminal offence to disclose confidential information; and there is now a “whistle-blower” defence for those disclosing confidential information in certain circumstances.


Herald v Primeo: The Court of Appeal clarifies the status and priority of unpaid redemption creditors

01 Aug 2016

In a recent judgment,[1] the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal (the “Court”) has upheld the decision of the Grand Court which found that investors who have redeemed their shares but remain unpaid at the commencement of a company’s liquidation are entitled to prove in the liquidation for their redemption proceeds as a creditor. This is the case irrespective of whether or not the company could lawfully have distributed the redemption proceeds to them prior to the commencement of the liquidation.


Limited Liability Companies Law, 2016 to be in force 13 July 2016

11 Jul 2016

Further to our previous advisories, we are pleased to announce that the much anticipated Limited Liability Companies Law, 2016 will come into force on Wednesday 13 July 2016 as the Cayman Islands Government gazetted the commencement order for the LLC Law last Friday 8 July 2016.


Commencement of the Limited Liability Companies Law, 2016

09 Jun 2016

The Cayman Islands Government published the Limited Liability Companies Law, 2016 (the “LLC Law”) by way of Extraordinary Gazette on 8 June 2016 and it is expected to be brought into effect toward the end of June. As readers will be aware from our previous briefings on this topic, the LLC Law allows for the introduction and establishment of limited liability companies (“LLC’s”) similar in structure to that of the Delaware LLC.


Cayman Islands New Fund Vehicle (LLC) and Common Reporting Standard Update

05 Jan 2016

The Cayman Islands Government has published a “green bill” for a Law to provide for the formation and registration of Limited Liability Companies: and to provide for incidental and connected purposes (the “LLC Bill”) when enacted into law this will create a new type of Cayman Islands vehicle, the limited liability company (an “LLC”).
